1. I cannot tolerate olives or green bell peppers in any form.
2. Before I had children, I was employed as a Contracts Administrator for the now defunct Cingular Wireless.
3. I took ballet lessons until I was 15 years old.
4. I have an irrational fear of beheading a construction worker working in a manhole with my car.
5. My kids and I occasionally crank up the music and practice dance moves in the living room.
6. I'm a convertible girl. I previously owned two of them and I will own another one again one day. Mark my words.
7. I love sports. Especially college football.
8. I spent every New Years Eve with my paternal grandparents until I was 15 years old.
9. I have one sibling, a younger brother, who inspires me to be a better person.
10. I had a severe case of cold feet on my wedding day and my maid-of-honor had to convince me to walk down the aisle.
11. The best decision I ever made was to walk down the aisle and marry my husband.
12. I had a "thing" for black and white cows. I collected them. I wore them.

That's me in the front with the hand painted cow t-shirt and matching earrings. And no, there is no explanation. (The Ear-Of-Corn costume requires a whole other explanation.)
13. I'm a neat freak, or maybe I should say "recovering" neat freak. Children tend to cure you of that particular propensity rather quickly.
14. I worked at The Gap at the local mall during high school and on college break. I fold a mean t-shirt.
15. I have a crazy aunt who recently sent my children Christmas presents dated from the last three years. Oddly enough, Clayton wasn't born in 2005, but she had a present addressed to him. So I guess in addition to being psycho, my aunt is also psychic??
16. I adore Chic-Fil-A Sandwiches. When I was pregnant with Clayton and living in Copenhagen, I had my mother smuggle four sandwiches in her carry on luggage.
17. I do not mind doing laundry.
18. My dream job would be a cast member on Saturday Night Live.
19. I absolutely adore snow skiing. Since becoming a mother, I haven't had the opportunity to go skiing very often.
20. I will NOT drink Pepsi. It disgusts me. Is it because I'm from Atlanta? You decide.
So there you go. A random collection of 20 facts about me. Enjoy.
Don't you miss that 30% off Gap, I know I do. I'm with you on the olives, SNL and skiing but not on the Pepsi and the laundry :)
I'm cracking up at SNL!! That would be SO perfect for you. I'm totally with you on the Pepsi, but laundry? Really? When do you want to come over? =)
Hilarious, # 10 # 12 are my favorites!
I was just telling somebody last week about your mom bringing you Chick-fil-A to CPH.
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